Friday, April 07, 2006

Beer: Cheap, Premium, Light or Heavy?

It is quickly approaching Happy Hour so with beer on my mind I thought I would try to generate a discussion about it. What kind of beer do the budget conscious drink? I can see this going two routes. One, the frugal person drinks cheap beer that comes in 30 pack cubes like Busch or Stroh's. I have no problem with those choices. Two, the value conscious person that demands value from their dollar and therefore is willing to drop an extra buck or two for beer's like Guinness and Sam Adams. I have no problem with those choices either.

As far as my personal preferences it depends on the type of evening. If I am going to be drinking for distance, like Monday at the Detroit Tigers Opening Day, I certainly prefer Light beers. I am a rather health conscious person so I have chosen beers that are drinkable and not horrible for you. I used this chart to gauge the health content. My top choices are Molson Light(Men's Health Best Beer a couple years back - not on chart), Coors Light, and Miller Lite. I drank Bud Light for a long time and now for whatever reason I hate it. If I am going to be a grown up and I am drinking with smart people I prefer Bass, Guinness, or perhaps a mixture of both in the form of a Black & Tan.

As far as my views on beer budgets: When it comes to beer, money is no object.

Anyone else have any thoughts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I only drink beer once or twice a month, so the budget isn't on my mind. I like to go for Sam Adams, Killians or a bass. Hmmmm, and they're calling my name right now.